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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Julius Caesar, genre is Historical Play, foreshadowing by soothsayer says "Beware the Ides of March", Resolution solutions, includes Author's Techniques, Author's Techniques includes symbolism, Friend of Caesar but believes naming anyone king would be bad for Rome ???? Brutus, Author's Techniques includes foreshadowing, Julius Caesar by William SHakespeare can build Literary Analysis Skills, Resolution solutions, Exposition phase to Rising Action Phase, conspirators who are Brutus, Literary Analysis Skills includes Analysis of Author's Purpose, mapped from Exposition phase, Literary Analysis Skills includes Analysis of, also wrote in other genres histories, Julius Caesar by William SHakespeare can build Reading Skills, Writing Skills which uses elements that are different than original story, Literary Analysis Skills includes Analysis of, such as Antony, conspirators who are Casius
Lexile 760
Moore Family Portfolios
Character Analysis
Plot and Conflict Analysis
Willaim Shakespeare
03 Empire Phase
Author's Purpose
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Author's Style - Literary Device
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Author's Style - Literary Device
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